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Time Management

TV Time Warp

Braun HF 1 television receiver, Germany, 1958 I intentionally did not buy a TV or subscribe to cable because I know how easily I waste my time flipping channels. My intention was to not have it so my evenings could be productive and organized. 
Intent does not always equal action.

I do not have a TV, but I do watch my shows online. Once Upon a Time, Bones, Finder, Criminal Minds, New Girl, Mike & Molly, Harry’s Law, Glee and a few others. I can actually fit more shows each week via the internet than I ever could with cable. The clear advantage is I watch these planned shows every week, which is better than flicking and there’s no commercials.
One of my tasks this month was to list all the time-sucking activities in my week. Guess what’s number one! I’m still spending my evenings glued to the screen! It’s purposeful and exciting, but I can get so much done in one night if I take my butt off the couch.
I’ve decided to pick two or three nights each week night to cross TV shows off as an evening activity. Instead, I will replace TV with reading, lesson planning, games or research and organizing time instead. I will plan this ahead of time. Then I’ll plan the TV nights to spend cuddled up on the couch with PJ’s, blanket, BF as my snuggle buddy and be still without a single guilty feeling in the world. 
Planned entertainment is the next strategy!

Inspirational Article for Today:
What Can You Live Without?

About mysugardiaries

I'm a newly 30's woman trying to get her life in order. I have a million goals and plans and this is my journey towards life managment. On top of all that, I'm coping with chronic migraines, sugar cravings, hormone imbalances and endometriosis. I'm here to share my experience in getting healthy, staying focused and getting organized ... all while having fun!


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