
Tomato sauce

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Tomato Sauce Torture!

Pasta is a feature of the Argentine cuisine

Pasta is a feature of the Argentine cuisine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Its been a couple of months since I’ve engulfed some rich thick spaghetti doused in a pool of tomato sauce. So, this past weekend from lack of inspiration and effort to cook, we bought some. It was superb and super easy, just the right combination. In fact it was so delectable and saucy, I had it again for dinner the next day. I wasn’t shy either. I drenched my pasta in delicious Hunt’s sauce and trippled my serving size. Indeed, both nights I had one gigantic bowl of spaghetti. My belly was oh so happy ….. until it wasn’t.

For those of you with IBS, you understand where this is going. For those of you who don’t, let me simply state it was Attack of the Killer Tomato Sauce!!
I first had a sneaking rumble in my tummy, then gas bubbles started to form and began to dance inside my belly. Eventually there were so many, they expanded to full capacity and had nowhere else to go. There was simply no more room! My belly was pushed out so far I became a sphere. Then the searing pain began. Enough to nearly make me collapse and wonder if my food belly was giving birth. It was literally a moment where I grabbed my bloated gut, bent over in pain and shouted for my BF to come save me. Picture the movie scenes where the woman shouts out with contractions…yeah…that was me.
I obviously was not having a food baby, but with that amount of pain I decided I was being poisoned by Tomato Sauce.  The pain gratefully subsided after a soothing bath and lots of antacids, but my insides were ruined. Hell existed in my gut and there it stayed the entire week.
Anything I ate became uncomfortable and painful. Certainly a draining experience considering how often I eat and how much I love to eat.
I’m happily reporting that hell’s furry has left my belly and I’m feeling better. I will also never, ever have spaghetti sauce ever again. Unless, of course, it’s Pesto sauce. This I’m happy to compromise with 🙂

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